How To Use Educational Technology: Simple Steps - Offering Global Opportunities

How To Use Educational Technology: Simple Steps

Educational Technology bonding students


Technology has become an essential aspect of our lives, present in every corner we turn. It comes in various devices or applications, facilitating communication, learning, and personal development. It’s no surprise that educational technology has gained significant popularity within classrooms. If you’re unsure about how to begin incorporating educational technology into your teaching approach, there’s no need to worry. This article will provide tips to help you begin this process.

How Did Educational Technology Evolve?

Educational technology can be best understood as the blend of technology tools and strategies to facilitate learning and teaching. It’s not merely about replacing traditional methods, but rather about improving them. EdTech includes a myriad of tools such as interactive software, online learning platforms, digital simulations, and even virtual reality experiences. By using these tools, educators can create an engaging learning environment. 

The roots of educational technology trace back to ancient civilizations, where primal tools like cave paintings, clay tablets, and papyrus scrolls served as early forms of educational materials. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that the Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in educational methods. The introduction of mass printing allowed for the creation of textbooks, making knowledge more accessible.

The early 20th century witnessed the emergence of audiovisual aids in education. With the invention of the magic lantern and film projectors, educators could now combine visual elements into their teaching methods. The impact of audiovisual aids was particularly profound in subjects like science. 

The latter part of the 20th century ushered in computers and digital learning tools. This catapulted educational technology to new heights. With the introduction of personal computers, educational software, and the Internet, learning was not confined to traditional classrooms. 

As the internet became more accessible, online learning platforms emerged. These platforms offer courses and resources to a wide audience. The concept of e-learning became widely known. It provided flexibility for learners to acquire knowledge at their own pace. Moreover, the integration of multimedia elements like videos, animations, and simulations improved the learning experience. 

Now, mobile technology is on the rise and rapidly expanding educational technology. Smartphones and tablets have become powerful tools for learning on the go. Mobile apps offer bite-sized lessons, quizzes, and interactive exercises. 

Getting Started with Education Tools

Educators who may feel uncertain about merging technology into their classrooms should remember that there are multiple resources available to assist in this process. One of the initial steps involves engaging in conversations with experienced colleagues who have used EdTech and acquiring their strategies.

Furthermore, attending workshops for professional development or participating in online training sessions can provide valuable hands-on exposure to various tools. It remains crucial to possess a clear comprehension of the learning objectives and how technology can heighten the achievement of those aims.

Moreover, the abundance of information on educational technology websites and blogs should not be overlooked. Dedicate time to conducting research and experimenting with different tools. This approach can change the integration of technology in your classroom into an experience for both you and your students.

Benefits of Educational Technology

1. Personal Learning

One of the benefits of educational technology is its ability to make learning experiences personal. Through data-driven algorithms, educational platforms can assess individual student performance and adapt content to match their learning pace and style. This approach ensures that each student receives the support they need to succeed. It could require additional challenges or extra practice.

2. Accessibility

Educational technology makes learning accessible to a wider audience. Students with disabilities can benefit from assistive technologies such as screen readers, speech-to-text software, and captioning services. Moreover, learners who may be distant can access high-quality education through online courses. 

3. Flexibility and Convenience

Educational technology transcends the limitations of time and place. Learners can access learning materials and resources whenever and wherever they choose. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for adult learners, working professionals, or individuals with busy schedules. Online courses and digital resources accommodate different lifestyles and commitments.

4. Resource Availability

Educational technology provides access to an abundance of multimedia content, research articles, and expert lectures. This wealth of resources enhances the learning experience and enables students to research beyond the confines of textbooks.

5. Collaboration and Communication

Collaboration is a 21st-century skill, and educational technology facilitates seamless interaction among students and educators. Online discussion boards, group projects, and video conferencing tools help bridge the gap of location. Students can interact with peers from any part of the world.

6. Data-Driven Insights

Educational technology generates valuable data on student performance and engagement. Educators can leverage these insights to tailor their teaching methods, identify areas where students may need additional support, and measure the effectiveness of instructional strategies.

How To Use Educational Technology Tools

1. Identify Learning Objectives

Begin by clearly defining your learning objectives. What do you want your students to achieve through the use of educational technology? Is it to improve comprehension,  collaboration, or enhance critical thinking? Having well-defined goals will guide your tool selection and usage.

2. Choose the Right Tools

With a lot of tools available, it’s important to choose the ones that align with your objectives and students’ needs. Are you aiming to create interactive assessments? Consider using online quiz platforms. Do you want to encourage collaboration? Look for tools that enable virtual group projects and discussions.

3. Integrate Seamlessly

Integration is key to the successful use of education tools. Ensure that the tools you choose seamlessly integrate with your existing teaching methods. Don’t overwhelm students with too many tools; focus on a few that enhance the learning experience rather than complicating it.

4. Provide Clear Instructions

When introducing a new tool to your students, provide clear and concise instructions. Create step-by-step guides or video tutorials to help them use the tool’s features. A well-defined onboarding process will reduce frustration and encourage active participation.

5. Encourage Teamwork

Educational technology is a powerful tool for teamwork among students. Encourage teamwork by using tools that allow virtual group discussions, document editing, and joint project work. This not only enhances learning but also cultivates necessary teamwork skills.

7. Encourage Learning

Teach students to continue learning by using tools that offer self-paced learning options. Online courses, digital textbooks, and video lectures enable students to learn at their own pace. It accommodates different learning styles and preferences.

8. Provide Support and Feedback

Offer support to your students as they use the tools. Create a communication channel where they can ask questions and seek assistance. Additionally, provide timely feedback on their interactions with the tools. Always them to refine their skill. 

9. Stay Updated

Educational technology is ever-evolving. Stay updated with the latest tools, and features. Keep practicing by attending webinars, workshops, and conferences. Keeping up with advancements ensures that you are using the most effective tools available.

Possible Challenges 

Integrating technology into the classroom can yield numerous benefits, yet it requires addressing certain challenges. A common challenge is the absence of reliable devices and internet access. To overcome this barrier, teachers should plan. Merge group activities or use a rotational approach for device use during lessons.

Another challenge is maintaining a balance between screen time and traditional teaching methods. It’s important to emphasize that technology should enhance the learning experience rather than serve as a barrier. Teachers can blend technology into their lessons as a tool for students to collect information. It can simultaneously integrate hands-on, interactive exercises to enable active learning and engagement.

Furthermore, securing support from administrators and parents can also pose a challenge. Presenting research on how EdTech can enhance student outcomes and offering training for educators can contribute to garnering support from all participants invested in the education process. Despite the obstacles associated with integrating technology into the classroom, the work is worthwhile, as it provides students with access to current and captivating learning opportunities.

Top Educational Tools 

1. Microsoft Teams for Education

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that integrates with Office 365. It allows educators to create virtual classrooms, host online meetings, share files, and communicate with students. 

2. Schoology

Schoology is a learning management system (LMS) that facilitates course management, lecture sharing, assignments, and assessments. It provides a central platform for educators to hold their virtual classrooms.

3. Canvas

Canvas is another popular LMS that offers tools for course creation, assignment management, communication, and assessment. It’s widely used by educational institutions for online and blended learning.

4. Zoom 

Zoom is a video conferencing platform that has gained significant popularity for virtual classrooms and online meetings. It supports video calls, screen sharing, breakout rooms, and more.

5. Quizizz

 Quizizz is an interactive quiz platform that allows educators to create engaging quizzes and assessments. It offers game features that motivate students to participate and learn.

6. Pearson MyLab and Mastering

Pearson’s MyLab and Mastering platforms provide digital resources and assessments for a variety of subjects. They offer personal learning experiences and support student progress tracking.

7. EdX

EdX is a massive open online course (MOOC) platform that offers a wide range of courses from universities and institutions worldwide. It provides access to high-quality education for learners of all ages.

8. Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers free online courses and resources across various subjects. It’s known for its instructional videos, practice exercises, and personal learning paths.

9. Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a video discussion platform that encourages student engagement through short video responses. It’s used for reflective discussions, debates, and presentations.


What exactly is educational technology?

Educational technology, often referred to as EdTech, is the integration of technology into the field of education to enhance teaching and learning experiences. It contains a wide range of tools, resources, and strategies designed to make education more engaging, accessible, and effective.

How can educational technology benefit both educators and students?

Educational technology offers numerous benefits. For educators, it simplifies tasks, and instruction, and provides insights into student performance. For students, it enhances engagement and offers personal learning paths. It also promotes collaboration and critical thinking.

3. Are there any concerns about the overreliance on technology in education?

While educational technology offers numerous advantages, there are concerns about potential drawbacks. Overreliance on technology can lead to reduced face-to-face interaction, issues with screen time, and the need for digital literacy skills. Striking a balance between technology and traditional teaching methods is essential.

4. How can educators choose the right educational technology tools for their classrooms?

Selecting the right tools involves considering the learning objectives, students’ needs, and the compatibility of the tools with the curriculum. Educators should evaluate the features, ease of use, and data privacy. Also, keep in check the potential for student engagement when choosing educational technology tools.

5. Can educational technology replace traditional teaching methods entirely?

Educational technology is not meant to replace traditional teaching methods, but rather to complement and enhance them. While technology offers ways to deliver content and engage students, the role of educators in guiding discussions, fostering critical thinking, and providing mentorship remains indispensable.