How to add account for withdrawal in monidex and Withdrawal day

How to add account for withdrawal in monidex and Withdrawal day


How to add account for withdrawal in monidex and Withdrawal day

Recently, there have been changes on the site system which users have noticed and are not really getting used to.


1. The Login Process: You can now login with your email and password instead of your username and password .

After the recent development on our site system, we used this system and that’s the best way to login, due to issues from logging in.

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 Feel Free to call this Number:  0811 350 6846


2. Forgot password issues have been solved! If you have forgotten your password, use the forgot password button on your login page and your exact password will be sent to you on the email you used to register the account .

3. Issues with referral bonuses: We’ve gotten complaints from all angles concerning the issues in referral bonus and people not getting rewarded, this is due to the new upgrade and the certain development.

All referral links will be changed before the end of today these problems .

We hope that we understand the current development and we are sure we’re using the best measures to tackle them all.

Withdrawal Date

Withdrawal date for AFFILIATE
Monday and Thursday

Withdrawal date for Non affiliate is 
30th every month

How to add account for withdrawal in monidex and Withdrawal day

How to add account for withdrawal in monidex and Withdrawal day