Can you marry a wife who is older than you?

Can you marry a wife who is older than you?
I was married to a man just over one year younger than me. And it was very good, with such a small age difference it never mattered at all, and it was fun to tease him about it. Sadly this marriage ended with his passing away.
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I had one boyfriend who was nine years younger than I was. I was 35 when me met we dated for several years. He was fun, energetic and very proficient at sex. We had a fairly good relationship in most respects and I was getting as much sex as I needed, we were involve with swinging and he enjoyed it all. There were two issues, sometimes the age difference was too obvious and sometimes embarrassing. I was taken at times for a mother, older sister, or an aunt. Not good for my ego! And sometimes his friends were unkind to us too. The major cause of our break up, was his cheating, not while swinging but in secret. And it was just time, I wanted to marry again and he was never going to be husband material.
But for the woman who has high sex drive and needs abundant physical love, a younger man is a great option, just be aware that you will need to be the adult in the relationship most of the time!