How much revenue does Android generate for Google?

How much revenue does Android generate for Google?

How much revenue does Android generate for Google?

How much revenue does Android generate for Google?



The $1 billion run rate figure cited by Google for mobile revenues includes income from all their mobile properties. My estimate of these properties’ revenues is:

  1. AdMob which runs on many phones including non-smartphone devices world-wide. In 2009 Google announced that it was running at a rate of $100 million/yr. It would not be surprising if this figure has tripled since then.
  2. Search placement on the iPhone . Google has a placement agreement with Apple which is likely to be over $200 million range (based on what Microsoft paid Verizon for a multi-year deal on Bing, this seems quite a low price). Assuming Google breaks even, then iPhone is worth about $200 million. We don’t know whether Apple takes a cut of the total revenue, but that seems likely.
  3. Search from Android. This could be worth $200 million though rising quite rapidly.
  4. Apps. This is probably worth significantly less than $100 million. Ads within apps are monetized through AdMob.

The total is under $800 million so there is still $200m unaccounted for. Perhaps it’s all Android search/services. Perhaps there are agreements in place with other vendors for revenue share. We don’t know. The information is not public.

My estimate would be that Android could be worth between $300 million to $500 million/yr