How To Navigate Around TollBond Latest Update

How To Navigate Around TollBond Latest Update

How To Navigate Around TollBond Latest Update

– You need to activate your bundle with 0.025 TOLL (if you are new)


– At the point of registering, you will have 5 chains. You can choose to run with 2, 3, or 4. The option is yours.

– When you join (of course as a new user) your entry fund will be distributed to those who appear on those chain accordingly. You will appear in class #1 pushing every other people on that chain deeper, while the person on class #7 leaves the chain after receiving its share.


– You will have option to run with 5 chains, of course this will increase your earnings.


– Also, staking reward is automatically activated for you once you have activated this bundle.


– Note there are 2 categories, category 1 is 0.025 TOLL to activate, while category 2 is 0.25 TOLL.


You can migrate to category 2 at your wish. This gives you wider coverage of income. When you step up to category, your sponsors will always be your sponsors, even though they are yet to upgrade to category 2. So all their expected earnings will be compiling until they upgrade. Then they can claim all their accumulated earnings.

– No skip of earnings or loss of funds.

– At certain class completion, you get rewarded with bonuses

– Activation of category 2 gives you access to exclusive spot to the upcoming NFT + metaverse. (Of course the earlier the better as once spot gets filled up, there won’t be more exclusive access.


Working with 5 chains

Class           Inc. per person.         Exp reward

Class #1.            $15.                        $75

Class #2.           $5.                          $125

Class #3.           $5.                          $625

Class #4.           $5.                          $3,125

Class #5.           $5.                          $15,625

Class #6.           $5.                          $78,125

Class #7.           $20.                        $1,562,500




Working with 5 chains

Class           Inc. per person.         Exp reward

Class #1.            $100.                        $500

Class #2.           $100                          $2,500

Class #3.           $100                          $12,500

Class #4.           $100                         $62,500

Class #5.           $100                         $312,500

Class #6.           $100                        $1,562,500

Class #7.           $100                        $7,812,500

How To Navigate Around TollBond Latest Update

Toll Bond Registration Guideline/How to Activate Wallet

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