Latest update on tollbond Investments

Latest update on tollbond Investments

Latest update on tollbond Investments

Introducing BOND STAKING


Bond staking simply means to bond your TOLL for a certain period of time, and earn rebase every 6 hours.

In bond staking, the more yield in each rebase, the longer the bonding period and the more entry amount required in some category.

To get access to this bond staking:

You must first activate at least one bundle with minimum of 0.025 TOLL on the toll referral section (toll bond). This of course gives you access to all rewards and benefits that is attributed to the referral section.

Once activated, you can go ahead to Bond staking section and approve the dapp by paying tiny gas fees in BNB.

Then, select the bond category of your choice and enter the amount you wish to bond, confirm and your bond staking rebase will start yielding.

Toll Bond Registration Guideline/How to Activate Wallet

Click here For more Details On TollBond Investment

There are 3 categories of staking

0.4% daily – unstake after 180 days

0.6% daily – unstake after 300 days

0.8% daily – unstake after 500 days ( with minimum of $50,000)

Every 6 hours your yields drops and you can instantly claim your yield straight to your wallet.\

You can claim and re-stake if you wish, at anytime.

In Bond Staking, you also get 5% commission when you refer anyone who stakes. This referral commission is lodged on the same category your downline stakes. To claim it, you must have an active stake on that same category.

Note: Proxy address is not required on the bond staking. Once you already have toll in your trustwallet or metamask, click on bond staking, approve and execute your staking.

Qst: I have a current stake running on ethereum network, if I want to move it to the staking on binance network, what do I do?.

Ans: We will build a bridge that will enable people to automatically switch from ethereum network to binance network

Toll Bond Registration Guideline/How to Activate Wallet

Click here For more Details On TollBond Investment